Welcome to our monthly series Meet the Team, where we spotlight the extraordinary people that make Bayley & Sage so special. This month’s feature is on Julia, our fantastic Property Director. Read the full interview below!
1. How long have you been working at Bayley & Sage and what different roles have you held within the company? What is your role now?
I’ve been back at Bayley & Sage for just over 2 years now in the role of Property Director. However I worked with Jennie when Bayley & Sage began in Wimbledon 27 years ago and was partially responsible for the naming the business. During the 20 year gap it was wonderful to see the business grow and flourish. I was a very proud by-stander.
2. What’s your favourite thing about working at Bayley & Sage?
Most definitely the people. Being welcomed when I move around the sites and catching up with colleagues is great, our teams are amazing. I especially love seeing the progression of staff moving up through the business into different roles.
3. Who has inspired you the most throughout your career?
This is hard to say as I’ve been very fortunate to work with many inspiring people throughout my career. However what I will say is that I was incredibly proud of my father’s career and he is responsible for my commitment and work ethic.
4. Have you always worked in this industry? If not, what other types of roles have you held?
Not at all. After college I worked in travel and then in my early 20’s I joined the food retailer Cullens where I met Jennie, Terry, Jane and Patrick. After leaving Bayley & Sage in 2002 I worked in sales for 20 years.
5. What’s the best advice you could give someone who’s just starting out in their career?
I’m not sure if this is advice for just when starting out but as you move through your career, but I’d say believe in yourself and trust in those that see your potential.
6. What are some of the accomplishments you’re most proud of?
The Parsons Green refit last year was the most challenging for me. It caused several sleepless nights, being fairly new back to the business and being entrusted to manage the long awaited refit. I still feel so proud every time I visit that store and look back over the before and after photos.
7. What are you most looking forward to this year, both personally and professionally?
We have some exciting projects bubbling away with Bayley & Sage which I’m involved with, hopefully we can share those with everyone soon. Personally, I’m excited for my two teenage daughters, one starting sixth form at school next month and one in her final year. We’ve been visiting several universities around the country and I feel so excited for their next chapters.
Professionally, I’m excited about the new projects and challenges on the horizon.
8. If you could only eat one thing from Bayley & Sage for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
This is a very tricky question. I have a sweet tooth and normally would answer and say anything with chocolate. Our champagne truffles are delicious and I openly admit to treating myself to a box every now and then and not sharing. However, the one thing I cannot resist is the House of Cin Cinnamon Buns – especially the one with the white icing. I HAVE to have one every time I’m in London.
9. How do you spend your time when you’re not at Bayley & Sage?
I live outside London in a small village. I love the countryside, walking my dogs, gardening, paddleboarding – pretty much anything outdoors.
10. What’s one interesting fact that we might not know about you?
I’ve recently discovered Padel Tennis and am addicted to playing. Last month I won my first competition.